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Lefrik and Healthy Seas advocate for Spanish coasts free of ghost nets!
Since joining 1% for the Planet in 2020, Lefrik has been looking for partners who strive to maintain our oceans and landfills clean while finding solutions to lower the impact and waste of human activity. By joining forces with Healthy Seas and supporting Ghost Diving Costa Brava project in Northeast Spanish coastlines, through a monetary donation where Lefrik customers voices were listen, we got a step closer to these goals.
Volunteer divers removed roughly 100kg of ghost nets from Tossa de Mar area in Costa Brava during two cleanups back in June and July 2021, funded by Lefrik donation. Initiatives like this aim to improve Mediterranean water pollution issue, which was one of the main causes why Spain was once declared Europe’s most polluted country by the European Environment Agency. Read the full storyhere.
1st recovery trip — 29/6/2021, 6 volunteer divers.
Where — Muladera, Tossa de Mar, Costa Brava.
How much net was recovered — 1 gill net 25m2, 25kg.
Average depth 26m, Time 50 min., Temperature 19ºC, Visibility 20m.
1st recovery trip — 7/7/2021, 4 volunteer divers.
Where — Muladera, Tossa de Mar, Costa Brava.
How much net was recovered — 1 gill net 50 m2, 50 kg, 2 gillnets 10 m2, 10 kg.
Average depth 25m, Time 50 min., Temperature 23ºC - 16ºC, Visibility 20m.
By choosing Lefrik backpacks, customers ensure they’ll be supporting environmental causes and being involved in decision-making when it comes to giving back to the planet.
Consigue acceso anticipado a nuestras rebajas y sé uno de los primeros en conseguir nuestras mochilas y bolsos sostenibles al mejor precio.
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Un año más, colaboramos con la Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (CEAR) para celebrar el Día Internacional del Orgullo LGTBIQ+ el 28 de junio. En esta ocasión, lanzamos una...
Lefrik es una empresa dirigida por mujeres y hoy, con motivo del Día Internacional de la Mujer, queremos compartir algunas referencias femeninas inspiradoras para los miembros de nuestro equipo.