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Transparency Report 2021

What's behind Lefrik and our future goals.

For the third year in a row, we have published our Transparency Report for this 2021, shedding light on our brand impact, sourcing strategy and materials, our ethics code, product lifespan and much more.

Lefrik contributes to the environment by reducing the use of virgin polyester and rather extending the life of discarded plastic bottles, while saving energy in the production process.

We want to continue working in this direction, placing quality, traceability and sustainability on the top of our minds while achieving a completely circular economy model.

For the past years we have been working on finding the right partners; people who not only comply with our sustainable criteria, based on the best possible social and environmental practices, but who also share our belief in doing the right thing for the people and for the planet.

For you to consume consciously, is our responsibility to make the right choices at every step of the way. Even though sustainability has been part of our project since day one, we keep prioritizing our responsibility to protect our planet and also continue our commitment to fight social injustices. Our impact approach extends to organizations and causes that care for people and the planet.

In words of CEO, Curra Rotondo:

“This year we are strongly stepping into a new chapter; a chapter focused on our sustainable future as a brand. We’re working hard towards leading our  industry, building a company that delivers superior results and commitment to our people and the communities in which we are present.”

Find the complete report here.

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